Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Tara Eldana: Rust City Featured Author

Welcome to your introduction to some of the fantastic authors who will be joining us in just a few days  for the conference. All this week we're having double-header profiles -- first up today is 

Hi Tara! Can you tell us a little about your writing?

Hi Nicola! I am a debut author with Black Opal Books with "Reclaiming Lexi" a contemporary romance novella and "Under the Riptides," a paranormal contemporary romance novella. I have seven books under contract with BOB, all romance novellas. My next release is "Double Dare." For Liz it is hate at first sight. She is incensed at Luke for helping his best friend Gray leave her best friend Amy at the altar. Amy and Gray reconcile and fly with Luke and Liz to Las Vegas to elope. Liz gets drunk and dares Luke to marry her. He does and she demands an annulment. He refuses because he has never wanted anyone the way he wants her, even though she threatened to shoot him. It's been through first-round edits, but I don't have a release date. Liz is my favorite characters so far.

Liz sounds like a hoot! Ok, Tara, let's talk about RustCity!

1. Fill in the blank: "I used to be really good at cooking , but these days I'm pretty rusty." I personally am pretty happy with cheese and crackers and a frothy beverage. No muss, no fuss, and I can keep reading...

2. Eminem or Aretha? Explain.

Aretha. Knew You'd Be a Vision in White. How'd you get your pants so tight? And "You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman" and "Freedom." She totally gets it.

3. Choose One:
I'm confused. And not from around here.

4. What are you looking forward to most at the RustCity conference? Meeting readers and writers.
Awesome! we can totally arrange that!

5. What is an off-the-cuff association you have with Michigan, Detroit, or Troy?
Troy is my beat for my day job with a weekly newspaper and I tell people I live just over the border.
Oh, that's fascinating. I look forward to hearing some stories about that!

6. Your latest work of fiction features a wealthy industrialist and an R&B singer. What's the first sentence? The martini slipped out of her perfectly manicured fingers as he sang to her as if she was the only person in the crowded bar.

That is a GREAT first line!  Thanks so much for stopping by today, Tara.  Where else can we find you?

You're welcome, Nicola, it was fun!  You can find me at my website, or on Facebook!

Be sure to keep up with all things Rust City 2016, by following it via your own personal social media drug of choice: Facebook |Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | RSVP at the Facebook Event.

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