Friday, August 12, 2016

Shiloh Walker: Rust City Featured Author

Note: very oddly, I noticed today (10/9) that this post had reverted back to draft status.  No idea how that happened...

Welcome to the FINAL Feature Author profile for RustCity, which is NOW UNDERWAY in Troy, Michigan.  If you're not here, you can read back through this profiles and ask yourself, WHY WHY WHY didn't I sign up for this?? And if you are here, then here is everything you need to know about
a/k/a J.C. DANIELS

Hi Shiloh! what do your fans need to know about you?

I’ve been married since I was 19 to my high school sweetheart and we live in the mid-west. I started writing full time in 2004 and for the most part, I write romance but in 2011, I tried my hand at urban fantasy, put it out under the pen name J.C. Daniels and to my surprise, it did really well.

Oh, right, you mean this J.C. Daniels? That I lurrrvved? No surprise to me that it did well... But anyway, let's talk about RustCity!

1. Fill in the blank: "I used to be really good at climbing up the swingset , but these days I'm pretty rusty."  You know, sometimes skills get rusty because the need for them goes away, lol...

2. Eminem or Aretha? Explain.

Neither... Marc Cohn. He's my favorite singer (solo) of all time. And also completely different!  Nice choice.

3. Choose One:
I'm confused. And not from around here.

4. What are you looking forward to most at the RustCity conference? Meeting readers and talking to other authors.

5. Which is NOT an actual community in Michigan? (no googling!)
Bad Axe
Mullet Lake

(The correct answer is "Hero." I got very tickled at some of the names, especially when I saw that "Alpha" was one!)

6. Your latest work of fiction features a wealthy industrialist and an R&B singer. What's the first sentence? The guy was too rich for this part of town and that only meant one thing...trouble.

What's it about? I'd prefer to sit on it for a while. Yeah, I'd say that's pretty open-ended...

Thanks so much for playing today, Shiloh!  Let's go have a drink.  For readers, where else can we find you?

Here you go!  Shiloh website  |  JC Daniels website  |  Twitter  |  Facebook  |  Alpha Heroes Mentions

Be sure to keep up with all things Rust City 2016, by following it via your own personal social media drug of choice: Facebook |Twitter | Google+ | Tumblr | Instagram | RSVP at the Facebook Event.

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