Thursday, August 11, 2016

Suzanne Sabol: Rust City Featured Author

Welcome to your introduction to some of the fantastic authors who are joining us for the conference this weekend. Today is another DOUBLE HEADER day, with this afternoon's guest:
Suzanne Sabol

I write the Blushing Death Series and love every minute of it. The genre I feel most comfortable in is Urban and Dark Fantasy. I love the hard edge that the genre permits and is even expected. There's nothing too gory or off limits. My latest release is Emerald Fire which came out in June of 2016. I'm working on book 7 of the series but I also have a 15 month old at home (our first) and it's kinda set me back a little. End of summer! I will have this done by the end of summer or I'm disappearing for at least a week and my husband will have to deal with the baby all on his own!   

That sounds like a great series, Suzanne! Shall we talk a little about about RustCity?

1. Fill in the blank: "I used to be really good at time management , but these days I'm pretty rusty." Yeah, toddlers have a way of blowing up the best of those systems...

2. Eminem or Aretha? Explain.

Aretha! I'm not much into rap but love jazz and soul.  Fair enough!

3. Choose One:
I'm confused. And not from around here.
neither, water please

4. What are you looking forward to most at the RustCity conference? I'm looking forward to meeting readers and other authors. I love hanging out with people who love books as much as I do. You'll have plenty of that sort of company, for sure!

5. What is an off-the-cuff association you have with Michigan, Detroit, or Troy?
I'm from Columbus, Ohio. We don't talk about Michigan... :)  Based on my survey results, I would say that you will have a lot of  "ex-pat" company!

6. Your latest work of fiction features a wealthy industrialist and an R&B singer. What's the first sentence?  She definitely wasn't going to sing her way out of this one.

OK, I really want to know what the next couple lines are. Thanks so much for hanging out here, Suzanne!  I want to mention to my readers that Suzanne was totally up for the 5 words game, but when I got behind schedule, we couldn't make the quick-turnaround work. Maybe next time! In the meantime, where can we find you on the 'tubez?

Thanks for having me! I really appreciate it. My links are below. website | Amazon | Facebook | Twitter

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