Thursday, August 11, 2016

Mervyn Seivwright: Rust City Featured Author

Welcome to your introduction to some of the fantastic authors coming to RustCon this weekend. We've got DOUBLE HEADER posts all week. So this morning, please welcome:

Hi Mervyn, can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Hi Nicola. I am a poet that believes in social change one person at a time. My writing has developed along those lines influenced in travels and living in different countries around the globe such as England, Japan, Germany, and America; travels to more than 40 countries. My 7 poetry collections each have their themes from third person first voice stories of life, love, Christianity and social issues. The next book in works is a biography in poetic form. Wow, that's very ambitious! Ok, Mervyn, let's talk about RustCity!

1. Fill in the blank: "I used to be really good at performing, but these days I'm pretty rusty."

2. Eminem or Aretha? Explain.
Aretha. Real life songs that touch the spirit and move emotions. can't argue with that!

3. Choose One:
I'm confused. And not from around here.

Something to look forward to at the conference!

4. What are you looking forward to most at the RustCity conference? Networking in a new market and meeting people to share my work and its imagery. Hopefully to touch a person's spirit in the connection.

5. What is an off-the-cuff association you have with Michigan, Detroit, or Troy?
I have had some great friends over the years from Detroit but this is my first time in the area. I hope it turns out great for you!

6. Your latest work of fiction features a wealthy industrialist and an R&B singer. What's the first sentence? Each night he would dream past the systematic infrastructure twisting corporate entanglement aplacing himself to the innocent imagery of the gutter strings plucked in Brazilian syncopated scale to hear her voice.

Wow, that is definitely the most surreal answer I've received to that question! I need to know what Brazilian syncopated scale sounds like now.  Mervyn, I'm so glad you could stop by today!  See you later this week!

Thanks Nicola! You can find me elsewhere at my website, my Amazon author page, or Facebook.

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