Turns out, the rumor was true:

And-- OMG -- did you notice? I'm above ROMANTIC TIMES!!
Does that mean anything? I don't know if it means anything.
But what if it does?
Can't. Stop. Grinning.
So there you have it. Me. In a book. Holy Moly!
I suppose I'd better get busy reading this one, eh? I'm on page 90, love it so far! (the review was for Demon Bound).
uh, looks alphabetical to me.
congrats though! exciting!
It TOTALLY means something!! It means you rock!!
So excited for you!
Thanks Erin!
Alphabetical? Book Binge, Alpha Heroes, Romantic Times, Romance Junkies... ? I'm thinking no. But thanks for the congrats.
I really need to read this series!
Zounds! Congrats!
Ooooh! Fancy! And we can say we knew you when.
I saw that and squeed for you when I got the book on Sunday. Congrats!
I am waiting to see your review on Covet.... would love to see your opinion....very curious as to what you think about it.
wcv, I'm waiting for it too! I finished it over the weekend and haven't been able to put my thoughts together about it.
Generally, I liked it -- solid but maybe not brilliant.
OMG, you're famous! LOL
Yay for you. That's exciting!
That's awesome! You are now published! :P
That's awesome news!! Congrats =)
I saw that last night when I started Demon Forge. I was like, WOW!
How cool!
I think it's wonderful. And of course, the blurb is so right on.
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