In no particular order:

Don't you love the title? Truthfully, the Vegas slogan is wearing a bit thin for me, but somehow Quinn's twist makes me smile. I do enjoy the occasional camera-asides, where books or movies or tv shows acknowledge that that's exactly what they are, and sort of bring the audience right into the joke. If that makes any sense at all. Anyway, it says classic Quinn sly humor to me.

I don't know what I can say about Chase that I haven't already: Auto-buy. Can't wait!

It's weird. I love MJP, and I love paranormal romance, but I really, really did not love her paranormal historicals. In fact I sort of hated the one I read and ignored the others. So I'm EXTREMELY HAPPY to see that she's returning to straight historicals with this series. Yay!
Head On Over
to Romance Vagabonds for really good interviews with Quinn and Putney. Then head to your local bookseller and indulge
I just bought Quinn and Chase today!
Next Tuesday and 7/28 are the days I'm looking forward to, release wise.
Yeah, I'm dying for Branded by Fire -- what else?
I'm getting the Quinn and maybe MJP. I used to read her but stopped - don't remember why.
Next week is the next Alyssa Day release and the end of the month is Jeaniene Frost's An Early Grave. I still have the last two Frost's on my TBR pile - need to get to those fast. :)
I love getting new books. You should be getting a coupon soon in your emails from Borders. I just got mine today. 25% off is better than nothing right?
Have a great weekend.
I am a huge JQ fan, so I bought this one at Walgreen's of all places. Can't wait to read it. I've not read much LC though, and nothing by MJP.
I bought a Jill Shalvis book and can't wait to read the new Meredith Duran.
Try MJP's Shattered Rainbows, or anything from the Fallen Angels series. Awesome stuff. I liked her contemporaries, too, although some people found them controversial.
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