
Updated 12/9/2018

No matter what the source of a book, I endeavor to write a kind but fair and honest review.  I will not say something in a review that wouldn't say to the author in person. If I really dislike a book, I will frequently opt out of the review, as I'd rather spend my time reading something I like, unless I have committed to the review.  

To Submit for Review:
I am currently reviewing select titles in the romance and urban fantasy genres. I do not review lit fic, YA, mystery, etc. I do my best to publish reviews for ARCs near the release date, but I do not guarantee this.

Unsolicited review copies may or may not be read and reviewed, according to my interest level and time available.  They will not be prioritized based on release date or any other promotional concerns. If you wish to request a review, email me at nicola327@hotmail.com. I will want to read a sample of your writing before committing.  If your marketing copy contains grammar errors, homonym confusion, or other egregious sins, that will be a hard pass from me.

I do not receive any form of compensation outside of review copies. I am not a professional author or publicist. All opinions are my own.

Images and Excerpts: copyrighted material is occasionally used with accreditation (wherever possible) on this blog on the presumption of fair use.  Any copyright holder who objects to this usage may contact me and I will gladly take down the item.

Comments: Fostering Discussion and Community
It's my blog and I'll delete anything that offends me.

That said, I've only ever deleted one comment that wasn't obvious spam. I welcome respectful debate, differing opinions, and links to your related posts. If you have a review of the same book and let me know either in comments or email, I'm happy to edit in a link to my post; I think this is a great way to add to the overall picture of a book.

Spam: If you leave a comment in a language that I can't read (which is pretty much all of them except English), I'll assume it's spam and delete it. I've also set comments to be moderated after 59 days because of one particularly annoying and persistent spambot, so it may take your legit comment a day or two to show up. It's nothing personal.

Comment Legalese:
It turns out that the fine print on intellectual property creates some interesting liabilities for blog owners, as distinct from the host (Blogger, in my case). I cannot really imagine getting into a situation where it's a problem with my tiny corner of the blogosphere, but here is my ass-covering fine print just in case:

By leaving a comment on Alpha Heroes, you agree that:
1. The blog owner [that's me] may delete the comment at owner's sole discretion at any time during the life of the blog;
2. The comment author [that's you] may also delete the comment at any time;
3.Content may become unavailable due to deletion, technical difficulties, or human error. The blog owner is not responsible for retrieving content for any reason including but not limited to those listed; 
4. Other than deletion scenarios covered above, comment author retains rights to the content of the comment.


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