Saturday, July 23, 2016

Sylvia Hubbard: Rust City Featured Author

Welcome to your introduction to some of the fantastic authors who'll be joining us for the conference. Today I'm showcasing:

Hi Sylvia, can you tell us a little about yourself and your work?

Sure Nicola! I'm a Detroit-loving, happily-divorced mother of three, and author of Suspense Romance. My love for the city and being a mother have strengthened my writing skills over the years and I've loved to tell stories since I was six years old, according to my mother. Intertwining Romance and Suspense has always been my forte. I think a good love story should always have people who fall in love, have a lot of drama and then throw in a lot of people who die by the end. Hah! I'm a huge romance fan, as you might tell from the stuff all over this blog, but dying characters? I guess I can take or leave that. :p

What are you working on now? I just released Tanner's Devil that involves a duke, an ex-prostitute,  and her pimp in 21st Century Detroit, and a short-short, Forbidden Fruit: If I Was Your Woman. Also, I'm involved in writing live stories on my website. You can find out more about how that works here. I do invite lovers of suspense and romance to join me.

Ok, Sylvia, let's talk about RustCity!

1. Fill in the blank: "I used to be really good at bike riding , but these days I'm pretty rusty."  OK, but wait, isn't riding a bike the definitive thing that you don't get rusty at? *scratches head*

2. Eminem or Aretha? Explain.

Aretha. Why? Because of the way she sang You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman. It's just such a beautiful song. It really is. I love everything about that song, especially now that I have daughters.

3. Choose One:
I'm confused. And not from around here.

4. What are you looking forward to most at the RustCity conference? Meeting new readers and hoping to meet new writers. Share talents, network and just have literary fun. In fact, I started Motown Writers Network to help writers get to their literary goal and to connect readers to Michigan Authors.   Wow, this sort of conference seems right up your alley, then. Very happy to have you on board!

5. Your latest work of fiction features a wealthy industrialist and an R&B singer. What's the first sentence? The moment he heard her sing, he knew he had to have her heart.

Optional: What's it about? A soulful R&B singer --hurt, used, and desperately trying to get away from her controlling fatherly manager-- is pursued by a wealthy industrialist who currently is fighting his family for his right to run his company. Love it. The element of the controlling manager feels very "ripped from the headlines".

Thanks Sylvia! It's been a pleasure having you hear on Alpha Heroes, and I'm really looking forward to seeing you at the conference!  Where else can we find your work on the web?

You're very welcome Nicola!  Here are some places you can find me:
Website  |  Facebook  |  Twitter  |  Instagram  |  Youtube  |  Motown Writers  |  Tumblr  | Amazon Author Page

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