8:00 am, Page 1. Setting: On the Bus. Dialog: Internal.
Man. Is this really written in present tense for the whole book? *flips pages* Auugh, I hate that.
12:15 pm, page 38. Setting: Mostly empty office, remains of Lean Cuisine at elbow. Dialog: with Co-worker (Lit major, fluent in 4 or 5 languages, works as a tester in our lab).
Coworker: Whatcha reading?
Me: A romance.
Coworker: Is it any good?
Me: Not really. Someone sent it to me. I'm going to review it. It's all in present tense, augh, I hate that. But it's a time travel thing, so I guess it kind of makes sense for that. You know. It's the Douglas Adams problem.
Coworker: *Laugh* *wanders off*
Me: *still reading*
6:00 pm, page 100. Setting: On the bus. Dialog: Internal.
Auuugggh, something horrible is going to happen, I just know it. I need to know what. And when. *turns page*
7:30 pm, page 186. Setting: My house. Dialog: with my kid.
Kid: Mom?
Me: *still reading* Go away.
Kid: But, mom...!!
Me: *still reading* Seriously. Go ask your father.
9:30 pm, page 236. Setting: On the couch. Dialog: Internal.
I'll just read for a half hour or so. *yawn* This time change is killing me, I need to get to bed early.
11:15 PM, page 304. Setting: On the couch. Dialog: Internal.
Crap. I have to finish this. *yawn*
11:50 pm, last page. Setting: On the couch. Dialog: Internal.
Wow. That was incredible. *reads prequel excerpt* I might need to read that. God, I hate that it's in present tense though. Augh. I hate that.
This book is a really unusual reading experience. It takes place almost entirely within the span of 4 days - two in 2009, and two in 2012. I was tense, anxious, filled with foreboding, and mildly confused for almost the entire stretch, which normally doesn't make me like a book, but in this case, it was very effective at keeping me turning the pages.
I still can't figure out if I liked it or not.
This is so funny! Isn't it weird when you run into books (or movies) like that??
And I can't believe I've found someone else who dislikes present-tense writing as much as I do!
I tried reading a Markham last year with pretty much the same reaction. I haven't been able to bring myself to pick up another though. It's that present tense thing..it throws me off every time.
LOL, Nicola... don't you just hate that? When you're not sure if you liked it or not, but can't stop reading? I can't stand present tense either. Ugh!
Hmm, now you've got me curious too.
I notice that you very sneakily didn't really tell us anything about the story. So, what's the story? Was there a HEA? Did the people already know each other? If it's over only 4 days and they didn't know each other, did you believe the HEA (if there was one)....
c'mon! dish!
Oh, you want to know what it's ABOUT??
The blurb:
"When Clara wakes up on Christmas morning next to her husband Drew, she's filled with joy because she has the perfect present: she's seven weeks pregnant with their first child.
But no sooner does Clara tell Drew the news than an earthquake strikes in nearby San Francisco. The next thing Clara knows she's waking up in bed-alone-and discovers she's three years in the future. Where is her husband and what has happened to the child she was expecting? Clara is no stranger to unusual occurrences, but the last thing on her Christmas list was to time travel...again."
That help? LOL
Let me know when you decide whether you liked it or not! I'm not sure I could get past the present tense....
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