Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ketchup Post

Just a Little Catching Up

First off, a reminder to comment and link for entries into my Naamah's Kiss giveaway. I have 5 books and 7 commenters at the moment, so your odds are darned good. Deadline is midnight Pacific time June 23rd. The SciFiGuy also reviewed NK and will be interviewing Carey tomorrow. He's giving away books too.

I didn't find very many blog reviews up on NK right now - I suspect the length is daunting for a lot of readers. Here are a couple:

A Reading Odyssey
Blog, Jvstin Style

Do You Like Carnivals?

You may have notice that I am inconsistent at best when it comes to meme participation. I manage the Thursday Thirteen every now and then, and the occasionally Weekly Geek challenge, but to be honest, this blog is something I do for fun, and I refuse to feel obligated to post something on a weekly basis, whether I have something to say or not. Partly because that's totally not fun, and partly in defense of you, gentle reader. Why would you have fun reading something that I didn't have fun writing? So I meme when the spirit moves me and when the topic is relevant to Alpha Heroes' focus. However, what's really nice for me is that other people do a lot of work to keep the carnival going so that it IS there when I decide to jump in with my two cents.

So I'd sure appreciate it if you'd check out the Bookworm Carnival, which runs twice a month and features themed book reviews. The current episode features paranomal fiction of all kinds, which is a good fit for Alpha Heroes, but there are themes around all kinds of topics, from parenting books, to historical novels, to banned books to rebellious women. Check it out, and if you can't find something you love, sign up to host one yourself! You can always check the main page or upcoming attractions to find out what's going on, or try the latest thing and sign up for the Bookworm Carnival Facebook Fan Page.

More on Lucy Burns

If my review of The Sinful Life of LB last week piqued your interest, be sure to stop by Literary Escapism on July 7, where Jackie will have an interview with the author, Elizabeth Leiknes. Around the blogosphere, more reviews are turning up:

Wendy's Minding Spot
The Good, The Bad, and The Unread
Chick Lit Reviews and News
And finally, wow, I'd sure like to be Janet when I grow up: Dear Author
Late-breaking review today at Book Smugglers


Kati said...

Ana at Book Smugglers reviewed Lucy Burns today. You might be interested in what she had to say...

Nicola O. said...

Wow, I must have just missed it when I did my search. Thanks for the heads-up!

Chris said...

I'm planning to mention your contest tomorrow!

SciFiGuy said...

Thanks for the shout out Nicola. I'll list your contest in my weekend report.

Carolyn Crane said...

Oh, isn't this carnival thing cool! Thanks for the heads up.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for the link to our review!


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