PS, the word is in: one of the 5 books will go to an international entrant... assuming I have any, that is.
PPS, the first winner will be announced around noon PST tomorrow.
... and the women who love them.
Reviews and musings on the romance genre
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Hey Nicola. I already know the answer to that. It was your review of Untouched by Anna Campbell. I usually don't run out and buy a book solely based on one review, but you had me really interested.
I just found your review for Lover Avenged by JR Ward. I wasn't too sure about getting this book, the last 2 I didn't really.Your review was great without giving spoilers away.I have to wait until its out in Mass Market Paperback which I think is in December.
Just popping by to say hi, Nicola. I always enjoy your JR Ward posts but your post on the penis really cracked me up. I liked it so much I stole your idea. Remember? ;)
My favorite post of yours is your Lover Enshrined review. (you knew it had to be something jr ward related:)
I always enjoy your general analysis posts that take several books in a theme, like this one, which is also sort of funny:
I also really appreciated that you investigated Kresley Cole's If You... series. Being such a huge IAD fan, that put three more books on my list.
HI Nicola *waves*
I've seen you around the blogverse but I'm rather embarrassed to admit that I haven't visited before *hangs head* However, CJ sent me your way (thank you CJ!) and I'm looking forward to delving...or should that be diving...into your archives :)
I have started doing so - I'm in hysterics over your 'Small Peeve' post. As Kati said, the 'H placement' will get you every time! It's a good thing we don't drop out h's or there would be chaos...LOL!
I do spell Tohr's *checks* name correctly - not sure if I have Rhev's right though :)
Oh, one thing. It may be my setting, but I am finding the text very hard to read. It seems to be of a similar colour to the background... *goes off to shake 'puter*
My favorite entry from your blog definetly is the Lara Adrian Midnight Breed Series review. I love how you compared the BDB and the Midnight Breed series.
Is this too needy of me? You could also say something like, "Post bla stands out to me because it was SO STOOOPIT!!"... that would qualify. Technically.
I do have an ulterior motive though; I'm interested to know what kind of posts people like to read, so I can do more of them. See? Win-win.
Shelley, of course I remember!
Elain and orianna, welcome! orianna, ditto on the seeing around and on the to-do list. Will rectify shortly, and thanks for stopping by! As for the text color, it's a dark gray on a white background. I've checked it on firefox and explorer, on two different monitors, and it seems OK to me. Anyone else have difficulty?
Saturday, November 22nd, 2008. "Advance Planning"
I didn't go through your entire archive, I sort of tra la la-ed my way through 2008, but this post stopped me because I've been talking and thinking about new authors recently.
As romance readers we get stuck in a rut (often called a "series") and wind up reading a few authors obsessively to the exclusion of the many others out there. So I was glad to see you take some time to introduce yourself to someone new.
I hope you take it a step further and pluck a total unknown or two off the shelves and give her a whirl too.
This might be a little odd but the first post that really caught my eye when I was browsing through your archives was a lukewarm review of The Seduction of an Unknown Lady. You can find glowing reviews of novels everywhere but it's harder to find someone who clearly and honestly states their reasons for not liking a book. I want to know not just why I should pick up a book but why I shouldn't (when the reason isn't just "not enough sex" etc).
Thank you Nicola! I'm on the home 'puter now and everything is fine. For some reason the white background didn't show up when I was browsing (on my lunch break :) at work!
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